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Property valuation

What factors are considered in the valuation of a property? Given that there are many variations in the valuation of a property, two properties in the same street can have two different valuations. I would say that in principle the ...

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Would you like to rent a house in Francavilla al Mare or Pescara?

Do you want to income your property? Here is our solution. This is a lease agreement with fixed prices that in recent years are the subject of great attention, as the beneficiaries are both tenants, but also owners, who will pay a l...

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What to check before selling your home?

If you have decided to sell your house, I suggest you to check step by step both the urbanistic and the cadastral aspects of your property, in order to avoid annoyances after having found the buyer. The first thing to do is to go to...

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What value do you place on your property?

What value do you place on your property? Do you have any idea how much your property is worth and how best to present it if you want to sell it? Do you know how to recognize a good deal if you have to buy? Let’s do an analysi...

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Lease Territory Agreement

We provide you with the attached pdf, the territorial agreement of the town of Francavilla al Mare, regarding the lease contracts facilitated. For further information and advice please contact us at our office 085/815794 AccordoZTer...

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Mortgages: 25% of the market is under 35 years old

The requests for mortgages and subrogation by Italian families are growing, but not as much as before. In fact, according to data from the CRIF barometer, Italian families who officially applied for home financing grew by 1.8%, a po...

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Building renovation

Total renovation of the property Our services also extend to the renovation of buildings, providing you with quotes from our employees: electrician, plumber, architect, mason, carpenter etc.. In photos you can see directly with your...

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Valutazione immobiliare

Quali sono i fattori che vengono considerati per la valutazione di un immobile? Premesso che le varianti nella valutazione di un immobile sono molteplici, due immobili nella stessa via posso avere due valutazioni differenti. Mi sent...

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Vuoi affittare casa in Francavilla al Mare o Pescara?

Vuoi mettere a reddito il tuo Immobile? Ecco la nostra soluzione. Si tratta di un contratto di locazione a prezzi calmierati che in questi ultimi anni sono oggetto di grande attenzione, in quanto i beneficiari sono sia gli inquilini...

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Cosa verificare prima di vendere casa?

Se hai deciso di vendere casa ti consiglio di verificare “step by step” sia urbanisticamente che catastalmente il tuo immobile, evitando così disguidi dopo aver trovato l’acquirente. La prima cosa da fare è recarsi...

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